Batteries and Bulbs

The Fairmont lanterns used 1.5V dry cell batteries, either two or four of them. Here are some examples of old batteries pulled out of lanterns. You can still obtain these size batteries but they are now made in China and most are said to be poor quality. The third photo gives some clues on how these batteries were wired together. 

Jan 2014 update - Robert Casares sent me a link to a site about vintage batteries like these. Click here to check it out:

The 2.4V bulbs for the Fairmont lantern were made by GE-Mazda and Chicago Miniatures. The bulb number for both companies is 1491. Bulbs like these are now hard to find. Harris Bros, manufacturers of the 2 cell Fairmont lantern, also sold a 2.5V bulb that would work. The Chicago Miniatures bulb spec is shown below. 

DC Bayonet
Single element
.80 Amps
1.3 MSCP
1.75" MOL
75 Hours Life
S-2 Filament type

Here's a photo of the Harris Bros bulb. The globe is about 1/4" larger diameter than the "standard" bulb.

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Last Edited 28 January, 2018