North American Railcar Operators Association
Motorcar Parts & Accessories
Motorcar Parts & Accessories

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  • Ordering online is quick and easy! We accept Visa, Mastercard, Discover and American Express.

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  • Questions? Contact the store manager, Dan Page, (714) 749-7548 or via email.

Fairmont M Series Flange Cast Brake Shoe Only

Fits: M19, M14, MT19, MT14 This is a bare shoe that fits the M series car with flange brakes.
Already have the wood block or just need a replacement?  #32844.  4 shoe set - $120.00 plus shipping. Norm McKeen - 417-839-3555

A Radio and Intercom for your Railcar. I stock several different models of MOTOROLA Mobile Radios.  I also have a complete stock of Aviation Intercoms and Headsets from David Clark, Sigtronics, and Avcomm, as well as accessories and replacement parts.  I only work on MOTOROLA Mobile Radios, as I do not have Programming Cable + Software to interface to "Other Brand" radios.
I recently developed a Trans-portable Case that contains both a 2 Place Intercom and a Mobile Radio.  This unit is designed especially for "Open railcars" like M-9's or other railcars that have an open cab, where it is not possible to secure the Radio + Intercom in the railcar overnight.  This portable "Package" has only two connections - the DC Power Cable and the Antenna connector.  There is a folding handle on the box to allow it to be easily carried to the hotel on multi-day excursions. Frank Hubley, 291 Kearsarge Mtn Road, Warner, NH  03278 Cell - 978-266-0275.

Fairmont factory original suspension for M(T)-14 cars. In stock and ready for delivery, suspensions for a M(T)-14 or S2. Once these are gone, they are gone. Price s $2,200 + S&H. If you are interested in details please contact Tom Sopchak, Williston, VT  Phone 802-578-7427

Replacement shift knobs for Fairmont MT-19 or MT-14 motorcars.  Knobs are the same size and shape  and thread as original Fairmont.  The difference is the color and these are marked for various applications.  They will fit through the seat board opening and have 1/2” 13 thread.  Two knobs and  postage paid for $12.00.  Located in Ohio. Email Jeff Levengood.

Onan CCKB and B-48-G engine rebuilding. GOOD NEWS!!   Prices will remain the same for 2025: $1399 for CCKB and $1499 for B48G, with exchange.  Includes 30 minute run in and all settings rechecked and torqued.  Call or text Norm McKeen 417-839-3300 or Shelley 417-839-3555.

*** SPECIAL ***   New CCKB 110-3422-11 Short Block Assembly --  Send your rebuildable CCKB complete engine to us and we will transfer, paint, run-in, and final torque heads. We also rebuild the carb, fuel pump, ignition system, furnish oil, and plugs for ready to install in your railcar.  5 to 7 day turnaround. Complete new engine for $1,925.00 with rebuildable exchange, plus shipping.  Call or text Norm  417-839-3300.

New NOS CCKB Crankshaft.  STD size / casting #170-2898.  $249.00.  Call or text Norm McKeen 417-839-3300.

Fairmont Logo - 30" long and 6" tall made of 14 gauge steel. Has two holes for hanging. Tristan A. Scott (605) 630 8201. $45 with free shipping." Located in South Dakota.

Fredericksburg Shops - Now offering, new, compatible exhaust systems for the MT-19-A and the MT-14-L cars.  (Consider any modifications made previously to the car, in the general exhaust area.)  This set is made to match up with the new exhaust manifold, sold separately.  We offer an exhaust pipe, a muffler, and a tailpipe, and clamps.  Each item is sold separately.  You trim the muffler inlet pipe to fit your application, and you purchase or make an appropriate “tie down” system.

Exhaust pipe for either application, $26.00 each
Muffler, (smaller diameter than original), $32.00 each
Tail pipe for either application, $14.00 each
Clamps (three needed for complete application), $4.00 each

(All plus shipping.) Contact Dean Mark at Fredericksburg Shops.

Cheasapeake and Ohio Maintenance-of-Way Motor Cars book pubished by the C&O Historical Society in 2015. 80 page perfect bound book by Charles W Ford which contains the history of motorcars on the C&O Railway. Special emphasis on Fairmont motorcars. Item # BK-14-85 $24.95 order at Telelphone orders at 540-862-2210. Chesapeake and Ohio Hisorical Society, 312 Ridgeway Street, Clifton Forge, VA 24422.

Intercoms and Headsets for your Railcar - Aviation Intercoms and Headsets can protect your hearing, reduce the discomfort of the high level noise while operating your railcar. They also increase your safety by improving the communications with your crew members. You can start with just the Intercom + Headsets, then later connect to a Radio Scanner or a 2 Way Mobile Radio to monitor Excursion activity. I have many quality Aviation Intercoms for your Railcar. I have both New and Used Intercoms. All Intercoms have been tested and carry a One Year warranty.
Intercoms are available that can support 2 or 4 Headsets. Some of the basic portable intercoms can be powered by an internal 9 Volt battery (or an external 12 Volt source with an optional power cord). The fixed mount units are powered by 12 Volts from your railcar system. Interface adapters are available to allow any Intercom to connect to your Motorola Mobile Radio.Please call and we can discuss an Intercom for your railcar. Frank Hubley, 291 Kearsarge Mtn Road, Warner, N.H. 03278   Phone (978) 266-0275


EZ-Install Antenna for your Railcar - two styles antennas available. (Without an efficient antenna, your radio will suffer from short range).
Type "A” Antenna has an 18” whip and mounts in a 3/8” hole. It can be mounted on any roof surface up to 1/2” thick. It works very well on railcars with a metal roof $ 38 plus shipping. Railcars with a fiberglass roof can use this antenna with an optional ground plane kit (please inquire).“
Type "B” antenna consists of an 18” whip mounted on a 90 degree bracket. It is used on the rear of railcars with a fiberglass cab. It can also be mounted on the vertical posts of some open railcars. $ 48 plus shipping
At time of order, please specify if you need a Mini-UHF 3/8” Connector (Motorola Mobiles) or a Full size 3/4” UHF Connector (used on most other mobile radios). I can also provide adapters to connect these antennas to most scanners.
Note: the “Standard” Motorola NMO Mobile Antenna mount is designed for application on road vehicles that have a thin 20 Gauge sheet metal roof. It would require some significant adaptation to be useful on most railcars. Please call if you have any special antenna requirements. I also have 48” Gain Antennas that provide somewhat better range, as well as some “No Groundplane” Antennas. (Due to their very narrow Bandwidth, I do not recommend Sinclair Excaliber or ASP Linebacker Antennas for railcar use). Frank Hubley, 291 Kearsarge Mtn Road, Warner, N.H. 03278   Phone (978) 266-0275



Fairmont Motor Car Manuals on a CD in .pdf format. There are three documents: 1.) MT-14L Motor Car Service Instructions and Parts List (28 pages), 2.) Onan Service and Parts Catalog Series CCKB Industrial Engines (52 pages) and 3.) Fairmont Railway Motor Cars and Work Equipment (52 pages). The MT-14L and CCKB manuals were unused with no damaged or soiled pages so the scans are clear. The third document contains Fairmont motor cars, hyrails, ball bearing engines, roller bearing engines, motor car accessories, trailers and push cars, wheel and axle bearings, and a multitude of work equipment (ballast maintenance, burners, mowers, sprayers, derricks, and tie replacement equipment). The CD contains 145 pages, is easily read with Adobe Acrobat (free from the internet), and costs $35.00. Philip Hopper, San Antonio, Texas. Phone: 210-845-4119

Clean used Motorola Astro Spectra 50 watt, 128 channel radios programmed for NARCOA & railroad use. The Astro is perhaps the best radio for speeder use as it's a serious commercial radio with all the features needed for our use. This radio is very easy to install and it comes with installation and operating instructions. It also comes complete with all the necessary accessories including microphone, mounting bracket, remote speaker, antenna and all wiring. Priced at $219.95 plus $45.00 UPS shipping. Contact...Tom Phair, 152 La Sonoma Way, Alamo, Calif 94507 (925) 820-4159

Motor Car Parts & Accessories - Fredericksburg Shops - Formally Les King Motorcars is operated by Dean Mark, 209 Creamery Rd., Fredericksburg, Ohio 44627, Phone:  330-465-0713  2PM-6PM, Eastern Time, most weekdays, Personal visit by appointment, only. Email Visit our web site for details on all our products at:

'Weekend Railroaders' DVD - A unique documentary film about railroad motor car excursions and the people participating in them, 'Weekend Railroaders' explores the excitement, satisfaction and camaraderie of railroad enthusiasts through personal interviews and action footage from rail cars during speeder runs. Featuring author and historian Leon Sapp, relive the history of railroad motor cars through their restoration and rebirth in the hands of hobbyists. A must for all rail fans, experience a weekend ride on working freight railroads with a colorful cast of riders. Filmed at various locations in Texas, including Rockwall, Llano, Dallas, Carrollton, Greenville, Commerce, and Sulpher Springs. Additional footage was shot in Wilburton, OK. Visit the film website to purchase the DVD. Cost: $20 plus tax and shipping/handling. Contact: Ron Peterson

Fairmont MT-14/19 Solid Aluminum Billet shifter plates and knobs. Machined from 6061-T 6 aluminum with a polished surface. Ready for painting with the lettering engraved .020 deep to allow paint to fill and high light the words. Sized to allow the top cover to lift up with out removing the knobs. Shift Plate $60.00, Oil Reminder Plate $25.00, Plain Knob $20.00, Knob with "O" ring groove $30.00, Set of one each as show $125.00 Add $25.00 for shipping any where in USA. Contact Alvin Hasin, H & H Mfg. CO. (707) 887-7181


Brake pin sets for Fairmont MT-14/MT-19. Replaces all the pins on one side with new parts machined to space brake shoes out 1/4 inch so they do not ride on the inner radius of the wheel. Kit comes complete with nuts, lock washers and cotter keys. Machined from 8620 steel $135.00 per set (one side). Machined from 304 Stainless Steel $197.00 per set (one side). Shipping in USA $26.00 Alvin Hasin, H & H Mfg. Co., Forestville CA 707 887-7181

Name Plates - Machined out of solid 6061-T6 Aluminum stock. Mounting holes and painting to be done by purchaser. $55.00 per plate plus $14.00 packaging and shipping.Alvin Hasin, H & H Mfg. Co., Forestville CA 707 887-7181

Motorola Visar Hand-held Radios. The Motorola Visar is one of the smallest professional hand-held VHF radios ever made. It measures only 4" tall (w/o antenna). 2 1/4" wide and 1 1/2" deep. It has the same 5 watt output as the larger bulky hand-helds yet it can fit into the vest pocket of your safety vest and with the optional speaker/microphone you can have "hands free" operation. It has a 16 channel capacity and normally comes programmed with the three (3) NARCOA frequencies. This gives you thirteen (13) open channels for your own use. There is no additional charge for programming any additional channels. I DO NOT recommend a hand-held radio for primary use in a motorcar. I DO recommend it as an addition to a mobile radio. The radio and accessories are priced as follow:
Clean used Visar Radio...........................$100.00
Clean used Speaker/Mic...........................$35.00
Clean used Battery Charger......................$35.00
Contact: Tom Phair, 152 La Sonoma Way, Alamo, CA 94507 Phone: (925) 820-4159

Woodings Series "7" & "8" Gears & Shafts Gear and shaft packages available as well as individual components. See a complete list at our web site: under "for sale"


2-cycle Ignition Coils - Improved design Model T ignition coils for all Fairmont 2-cycle motorcar applications. These coils are built inside of a sealed plastic weatherproof case with the proper wiring clips to match the timer clips. These are top quality USA made and will work on either 6 or 12-volt applications. No ballast resistor is required. $110.00 each. Please add $10.00 for shipping via priority mail. Randy Rundle, Fifth Avenue Antique Auto Part, 415 Court Street, Clay Center, KS 67432. ph. 785-632-3450

Fairmont transmission sprockets and special sprockets needed when re-powering with non-Onan engines. Dave Myers - 928-380-7056

Fairbanks Morse vinyl decal is a copy of the decal that was mounted on the rear of the gas tank on Fairbanks Morse cars.  The information came from the Fairbanks Morse & Co-MFG. Div achieves.  The decal comes in two lengths: 5" & 6", your choice.  The original was 5" but the 6" fits the tank a little bit better.   I have a limited number and cost $5.00 each. Includes shipping. David Kotsonis 603-431-7044

Engine & Carburetor gaskets  - Gasket Sets for QB,QH,QBA,RQ,OD,ROB & ROC engines. Carburetor parts & rebuild for C-5/8 & RKB engine. Hy-Duty & Weatherseal timer parts & rebuild. Engine parts & rebuild for QBA,RQ,OD,ROB & ROC. M-19 body parts. Carey Boney, 1605 Powers Road, Wallace, N C  28466 910-285-7489

Motorcar Intercom Systems. Operating your motorcar on the rails produces background noise
that can reach dangerous levels. You can enjoy your excursions more by reducing this harmful noise and also converse with your passengers without shouting. What it takes is a good intercom system. The very best intercoms for a speeder are made by the David Clark Co., of Worcester, Mass. They are the perfect choice for good communication and hearing protection. David Clark systems are in use throughout the country by major railroads, emergency vehicles and wherever high noise is a problem. You can choose a system for conversation among you and your passengers or one that interfaces with your mobile radio to give you the highest level of communication possible. I would be happy to help plan one for your car. I have them both new and used. Give me a call or contact me by email. A good intercom system is one of the best investments you can make for your speeder. Tom Phair, 152 La Sonoma Way, Alamo, CA 94507 (925) 820-4159