Orange Empire Railway Museum,
Perris, CA has several speeders including a small narrow gauge
track car that has run occasionally on our Grizzly Flats narrow
gauge railroad.
Roundhouse Railroad Museum,
Savannah, Ga. has a Fairmont S2, Fairmont M19, Fairmont MR19 and Ex-Army
Kalamazoo gang car.
San Diego Railway Museum,
located at Campo,CA has multiple speeders and even a Fairmont
Rail Bus from the Santa Maria Valley RR
Wisconsin Historic Rail
Connection, a collection of web sites dealing with Wisconsin
Railroading past and present, including the motorcar hobby.
Smiths Falls
Railway Museum, Ontario Canada , roster includes two Wickham Cars, a flanged
Cadillac Inspection Car and various handcars and speeders. Wickham
Rides are offered in the summer.